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Interpersonal Communication Problem (Ready for comments)

"Thud, thud, thud," a series of sudden, loud noise of window panel being knocked on came as a shock to both my team members and I. We were in the midst of a discussion for our project when an unfamiliar face appeared by the window, frantically hammering as he demands our undivided attention. He proceeded to open the door to the room with his matriculation card and exclaimed, "Help! Someone fainted by the corridor!".

The members of the room turned towards each other with a look of confusion, wondering if the guy of dubious identity was joking or being serious. Nonetheless, we stood up, emerged from the room and headed towards the direction mentioned by the guy. True to his words, someone was indeed lying motionless on the ground, presumably fainted. My team member, Violet, instinctively reached for her mobile and dialed for ambulance while I went looking for a security officer and explained the situation.

Fast forward to the arrival of the paramedics, a young lady along with her partner, wheeled the stretcher to the man lying unconsciously on the ground and started assessing his condition. From her side profile, one can easily tell that she must have a wealth of experience in dealing with this kind of situation. She then proceeded to ask the students who have slowly gathered around the scene if anyone had knowledge of the events leading to the episode.

While in the midst of determining the situation, a lady dressed in red came out of the elevator and identified herself as the administrator to the paramedics and wanted them to know that she is the one in-charge of the area.

As both party tries to articulate their position, a breakdown of communication is evident as the difference in motivation and priorities on both end did not allow proper communication to occur. When the interest of parties involved in the communication process are different, their priorities will naturally be misaligned, resulting in the above mentioned-situation.

Playing the role of a witness to the breakdown in communication process, what actions would you have taken to avert the situation? Could it have been resolved if one party takes a step back and think in the opposing party's shoes?

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