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Formal Email Introduction (Ready for comments)

To: Ms Lim Lay Hoon

From: Soh Hao Siong

Date: January 22, 2018

Subject: Self-introduction of Soh Hao Siong

Dear Ms Lim,

My name is Hao Siong, a Hospitality Business undergraduate from Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT). Through this email, I will be sharing my past experiences, both in school and work prior to joining SIT. Hopefully by the end of the email, you will have a better understanding of me as well as what I aim to achieve from this module.

I graduated from Republic Polytechnic with a diploma in communication and information design (currently diploma in mass communication) while specializing in journalism.

My internship during polytechnic took place in a company which produces e-magazine for tablets in which my roles include content creation, interviewing of key personnel from various non-profit organisations and attending media events. Upon graduation, I was enlisted in National Service and subsequently took a gap year by working as a freelance product tester for a consultant agency.

My interest in the hospitality industry was piqued during a work attachment to a hotel while I was in secondary school which gave me the chance to expose myself to various hotel operations. The notion of being able to make a difference to guest experience through various means and small gestures intrigued me. However, as I was unable to fulfill the requirements of enrolling in the relevant hospitality diplomas, I opted to take on a different path that would eventually allow me to reach my destination in mind.

With regards to my communication skills, an area of weakness which I have identified would be attempting to send across as much information to the other party as possible. The purpose is to allow the other party to be aware of all possible solutions or ideas that are available to them. In spite of that, I have come to realize that depending on the channel of communication, the other party may not be able to process all the information at once. As a result, ineffective communication would have occurred. To overcome this, I have been constantly reminding myself about filtering the information and only send across those that are essential to them.

While I may have a background in communications, I believe that effective communications is an ongoing process that requires time and effort to learn and practice. Additionally, as the module is taught on a higher tertiary level as compared to what I may have learnt in polytechnic, there will be content that were not introduced to me. As such, I look forward to learning and enhancing my communication skills as well as contributing actively in class.

Thank you and have a great day ahead.

Yours sincerely,

Hao Siong

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